30 days chronic illness challenge 1/6
30 days chronic illness challenge made by CFS_zombie.
I'm going to be posting 5 answers to these questions every 5 days.
I hope you like this different method of doing this!
1 of 6
Day 1
Introduce yourself.
Hello I'm Niamh. I'm 14 years old and I have Neuromyelitis Optica. A rare auto immune disease that attacks my nerves in my spinal cord, brain and eyes. I had my first attack when I was 4 and was diagnosed a year later after a lot of texts and confusion. I am registered blind and currently use a wheelchair due to steroid damage. I love to do art! I'm taking it as a GCSE. I also really enjoy making cards to send to my other chronically ill friends!
Day 2
How havel these illness affected your life?
NMO has caused me to be paralysed a few times and is also the reason I'm blind. They have really changed my life but as they started at such a young age it's normal now. Not only have they changed my life negatively but also in a positive ways too. I have built up a online community on Instagram to share my story and raise awareness of other illnesses.
Day 3
How did you get a diagnosis?
The doctors knew I was blind and unable to walk which is quite a worrying thing. They thought at first it was a brain tumour! They tested me then for the NMO antibodies which came back POSITIVE.
Day 4
How have your friends and family reacted to it?
People react differently. My family have all been extremely supportive and do everything they can to give me the best treatment they can! My friends are also amazing one in particular doesn't seem much anymore as I'm always too sick but she is still there for me. Most of my other friends are other chronically ill people as I find them easier to connect with.
Day 5
How does being chronically ill make you feel?
Physically drained. I never have energy to do things and when I do it doesn't take a lot to run out of spoons! I suffer from chronic pain everywhere from the nerve damage.
Mentally I feel hopeless sometimes but I'm usually extremely determined which over rides the hopelessness. It can be very hard but it is what it is so I get up and I just take each hour as it comes.
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